Friday, November 23, 2007

Where in the world..

Click to zoom in on my visitor map!
Create your free world visitor maps

Thanks to Jane and others in the group, I have discovered some devices that I call 'hooks'. I like to think of the application of technology, (aka, cool things) and I think this and other Graphic Generators are a good way to generate interest and 'hook' the learner into discovering more about the site.

I have looked at two different generators of this type. The one above that Jane demonstated in her site which is and .

Using templates always have their limitations. Using this blogger template means that sometimes things just dont fit without some modification of code. I wanted to put the nifty map on the right hand menu, however it was too large to fit. The clutrmaps seems to me to be easier to modify.

This exercise has taught me a few things:
  • Jane's post not only alerted me to a technology, but showed an application of the technology in an educational content which added value for me.
  • Graphic generators have me thinking about how 'cool stuff' can add interest to a site and need not be just 'noise'. Hooks are important to add stickyness to a site, and educational sites need to attract and retain their learners.
  • When looking at a new technology, look around for different versions of the same thing. Test out any variations in functionality to find the right fit for your purpose.

1 comment:

Jane Ross said...

Thanks Kate for your comment. I have added you to my blog links for FET 8611. This is so I can easily visit everyones blog and read up and comment :)